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What is Lower back pain? - Fifth Planet

What is Lower back pain?


The lower back is the area that begins below the ribcage and is also called the lumbar region of the body. All of our upper region of the body is critically dependent on the lower back for its proper function, even all of our bodily movements like running, walking, and yoga. If you are relaxing or sitting on your sofa, your lower back also has a load on it, so there are many chances of developing lower back pain if you are sitting too much or working in a way that hurts your lower back. Your lower back is a critical area of your body that can easily injured due to overactivity or wrong posture, so we have to care a lot for our lower back.

The Pain in the lower back is also known as lumbago. Pain in this region can occur due to various factors like wrong posture, accident, exercise, long-term sitting at a particular place, and many more. Lower back pain can be very dangerous and irritating because our daily activities are mostly based on movements. If we feel Pain while doing our everyday work, we will feel irritated and stressed.

There are many reasons for lower back pain. Some are serious, and some aren’t; we need to focus on which habits we recently adopted in our daily lives that can harm our lower back so that after correcting those habits, we can easily treat our lower back pain.

What are the symptoms of lower back pain?

There are many symptoms of lower back pain that tell you whether you are actually having lower back pain or not. There are many people who misunderstand lower back pain. In fact, there was only a stretched muscle, but they consider their lower back as a symptom of serious damage, so that’s why there are the following symptoms that help you understand better whether you are really suffering from lower back pain or not:

  • Pain in lower back region for more than three days
  • Chronic Pain
  • Pain while bending or pulling some weight
  • Pain that started after carrying a large weight.
  • Pain that goes to your buttocks and legs from your lower back
  • Pain that is sharp, burning, irritating, or a combination of all these for longer periods

What are the causes of lower back pain?

There are various causes of lower back pain which are following:

  • Wrong posture
  • Heavy lifting
  • Dead lift
  • Intense bended activities
  • Diagnosing lower back pain

When you feel like you are facing symptoms of lower back pain for more than 72 hours, you should consult with a surgeon or physio who will further diagnose if you have lower back pain or if it is just stretched muscles in that region because the significant reason for lower back pain is due to problems with discs present in lumber region in that area so first step of your diagnosis is the physician will put pressure on the lower back area to know the intensity of Pain. After this, he will also take out the help of MRI and X-rays to know if there is some serious cause of lower back pain.

There are also many procedures available for the diagnosis of lower back pain, which are the following:

  • Selective nerve root block
  • Nerve conduction studies
  • Electromyography
  • Myelogram
  • Computed tomography

Can women face more lower back pain?

A simple answer is yes. In women, many hormonal changes occur due to menopause, and their bones are much denser and weaker than men’s, which is the prime reason why women face lower back pain issues than males. The sacroiliac joint joins the lower part of your spine to the pelvis. SI joint issues are among the most frequent factors that cause lower back pain. Women normally have less surface of sacroiliac joints than men; that’s the major reason they develop more lower back than males. Women normally have a lower amount of testosterone and high estrogen. That’s why their bone density is less and weak, so this is another reason why women face this issue more than men.

What are the treatments for the lower back pain?

Eliminating lower back pain at home is attainable by using the correct strategies and self-care routines. Lower back pain may be caused by a variety of reasons, including bad postural habits, an imbalance of muscles, and an unhealthy lifestyle. Here are some proven methods to ease and avoid lower back pain while in your own home:

Maintain a good posture.

Be aware of your posture both while standing and sitting. Make sure you have a chair that provides lumbar support. Keep your feet on the floor. Be careful not to slump or sit on your back.

Regular stretching

Include daily stretching exercises which target your lower back as well as the surrounding muscles. Relaxing stretches, such as the cat-cow, child’s poses, and hamstring stretching, can relieve tension.

Strengthen Core Muscles

Strong core muscles provide support for the lower part of your back. Include planks, bridges, and pelvic tilts in your workout routine to build abdominal and back muscles.

Hot and Cold Therapy

Apply a warm or heating pad on the area affected for 15 to 20 minutes to loosen muscles. Alternating between ice packs for 10 to 15 minutes can reduce inflammation.

Over-the-counter Pain Relief

Non-prescription pain relief medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen may provide temporary relief from inflammation and Pain. Be sure to follow the dosage guidelines recommended by your doctor.

Ergonomic Workspace

Ergonomics is the equipment and tools designed for workers to increase productivity and efficiency while reducing discomfort and fatigue. Ergonomics can make a workplace safer and reduce costs. If you work at your home, ensure that your workspace is designed ergonomically. Adjust your desk, chair, and monitor for your computer to lessen the stress on your back.

A good mattress and pillow

Choose an appropriate mattress that offers assistance for the back. Utilize a pillow that ensures an appropriate alignment of your spine and head during sleep.

Yoga, along with Pilates

Both of these practices aid in improving flexibility as well as balance and strength. Yoga poses are a common practice, as well as Pilates exercises focus on the core and lower back muscles.

Maintain a healthy weight.

Weight gain can put a strain on the lower part of your back. Keep a healthy diet and perform regular exercise to help manage your weight.


If lower back pain continues or becomes worse, it’s vital to see a doctor for an extensive evaluation and a personalized treatment program. Also, make sure to consult your doctor prior to beginning any workout or treatment plan, particularly if you suffer from any medical issues that are causing the problem or you are taking medication.


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