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All Natural Tooth Pain Relief Home Remedies

All Natural Tooth Pain Relief Home Remedies


Tooth pain can be caused due to the lot of reasons like if you have the cavity or there can be the many other reasons. If you are in a situation that you can’t go to dentist right now or if you have a severe tooth pain and you want something that will give you a temporary cure so you can use the natural remedies that will be very effective for the natural tooth pain relief naturally.


There are a lot of advantages of many ingredients that will give you the relief from the tooth pain so you can use them and then you feel a little relief then you can go to the dentist after it and get some tablets. In this article we will discuss some natural remedies that will be very effective for the natural tooth pain relief naturally.

Use Salt Water

Salt water can be very effective for the tooth pain relief. if you have the severe tooth pain so you can use this remedy that will help you naturally cure this. So you just need to take the warm water make sure it is lukewarm because if it will be too much hot then it can burn your mouth so make sure it is not too hot just a lukewarm water and add one tablespoon of salt in it. Mix it and your salt water is ready. Then rinse your mouth with the salt water for like few minutes.

It Removes Germs

It will be helpful to remove any kind of germs from your mouth and to prevent you from infection also so use this warm water with salt which is actually called a salt water for your tooth pain relief. Make sure don’t boiled water too much it should be lukewarm otherwise you will burn your mouth.

Use Ice Cold Pack

You can use the cold pack to reduce your tooth pain basically it will numb your pain and you can get a temporary relief from your pain. if you have the severe tooth pain so basically what you have to do is  take a cloth and wrap the piece of ice in it and then apply this on your face you have to place this  cold pack for like 10 to 20 minutes on the side of face where  you are feeling the pain in your teeth. So just place it and you will see that you are feeling a relief from the pain basically it will numb the pain it would be very effective for your tooth pain relief so this remedy is also very helpful for you

Chilled Tea Bag

So chilled tea bag can also be very effective for the tooth pain relief but remember one thing it will be temporary you still have to visit a dentist for the permanent relief. if you have the severe pain so for a temporary relief you can use this remedy because it is very easy and naturally available at home so you can immediately use this remedy for the relief from a pain so what you have to do is just take the used tea bag and place it in the freezer for like 10 minutes

It Helps You Numb Arteries That Causes Pain

Then after it you have to apply on the affected area and just place it there for like 5 to 10 minutes. you will feel the cool sensation and it will numb the pain . It will work same like the cold pack but peppermint tea bag or any kind of tea bag can also be if they are chilled in the freezer fully chilled and if you apply it so it can also be a very good solution for  a relief from pain.

Clove Is Very Beneficial For Tooth Pain

Clove can also be effective for the tooth pain relief because it has some antibacterial properties which are very helpful for the relief of tooth pain. So what you have to do is you can apply the clove oil on the affected area or also you can take the whole glove and just place it on the affected tooth or you can chew it and when it will release the oil it will be also very effective.

It Will Help A Lot To Relax Jaw Muscles

So in any way you can use the clove for relief. But remember it will give you the temporary relief you still have to visit the dentist so for the temporary relief clove is very helpful and if you are not feeling the too much pain it can also be possible that you get the permanent relief by using the clove but if you have the severe pain that you must have to visit dentist.

Use Guava Leaves

Guava leaves have also many anti-inflammatory properties which can help to reduce the pain. So if you have the tooth pain and you want relief from it so guava leaves can also be very effective what you have to do is you can directly use the guava leaves or you can also take the guava leaves and just put it into the water and just boil it for like 5 to 10 minutes

Use As Mouth Wash

You can use this water as the mouthwash and rinse your mouth with this guava leaves water or directly chew it in both ways guava leaves will be very helpful for that tooth pain relief and still it is temporary. But if you do not have th


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